How to Change Batteries on Schlage Keypad Lock & All about Schlage batteries


Schlage products are considered a part of high-level security systems. The brand has existed since 1920, when it was founded by Walter Schlage. All this time the Schlage company kept its reputation as a trusted manufacturer. Today they offer electronic smart locks along with regular mechanical locks.

One of the maintenance procedures mandatory for utilizing a Schlage lock is managing the batteries. Please, learn how to renew the cells, keep them fresh for a long, and what batteries are adequate. Those questions don’t have complicated answers. There is no need to be an advanced customer to manage your product, although some complex cases call for a locksmith’s assistance.

What battery type does Schlage recommend

Likely your Schlage lock utilizes a set of 4 AA batteries — they do the best job of protecting the mechanism from leakage, unresponsiveness, and lockouts.

If your product possesses a built-in alarm, you’ll need a pair of AAA batteries. Some products, for example, a Schlage Touch variety, demand a single 9-volt cell.

Rechargeable and lithium cells might seem optimal, but in reality, they don’t work properly or, worse, pose a danger to the mechanism. None of Schlage’s products are compatible with these battery types.

Learn about what batteries your lock utilizes on the Schlage website.

When should you renew the Schlage lock battery

In a perfect environment — soft climate, relatively rare usage, etc. — Schlage batteries last 2 years. Speaking realistically, that number becomes significantly lower due to external factors. Therefore actual average Schlage battery lifespan is 1 year.

The lifespan differs between battery varieties. AA and AAA batteries last less than 9-volt cells.

It’s possible to prolong the Schlage battery lifespan. Purchase upper-class batteries, don’t make fitting slips, and shield the Schlage keypad lock from wind and sunrays. Usage habits play a role too, although it’s inconvenient to change them. Just pay full attention to the battery deployment.


How to change the batteries step-by-step

Follow these steps to renew the cells.

Unscrew the battery cover

Withdraw the screws that hold the cover plate. You’ll find it on the inner side of the door. To tamper with the screws, find a screwdriver.

After getting rid of the screws, slowly pull away the plate. Don’t lose the screws!

Access the battery compartment

Now you’ll have to extract the battery cover. Withdraw the screws (don’t mix them & the previous ones!) and pull the plate. Some models have a single battery cover, while others have two plates.

Extract the depleted batteries

Withdraw out the exhausted battery. For AA and AAA batteries, you’ve to extract them & fit the prepared ones in their place. But if your Schlage lock operates on a 0-volt cell, you’ll need to disconnect the wire cap first.

Close the inner compartment

Place all the covers back on the unit. The most common mistakes during these steps are pinching the wires accidentally (for a 9-volt battery door lock) and overtightening the screws. Here you’ll have to retry the first 2 steps in a reversed order.

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What to do if the batteries die

Anyone who faces depleted cells is afraid of finding themselves locked out of their own house. Naturally, smart lock manufacturers, including Schlage, work around that problem. You’re able to open the lock with a key or jumpstart it if the feature is supported by the model.

Afterward, renew the battery pack ASAP —utilizing a touchscreen/keypad is unfeasible when there is no energy for them to operate on.

Ways to open the smart lock without any power left

As stated in the paragraph above, you can enter the house even when you face a dead battery. Let’s go over the mentioned measures as well as some more advanced ones.

Physical keys

Quite a number of Schlage locks possess a keyhole and a metallic key set. You can utilize those to bypass the de-powered Schlage lock, although it requires that you carry those keys on hand. It’s recommended to put the door lock keys on the keychain.

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Jumpstart procedures

In case there is no keyway on your assembly or you can’t access the keys, the model probably offers the battery jump method. It powers the lock up with a 9-volt cell for a little while, just enough to enter the house & renew the dead battery.

You can verify the procedure’s availability for the Schlage lock. There must be 2 connector dots at the unit’s bottom.

Here’s how to jumpstart the smart lock:

  1. Take a single 9-volt battery.
  2. Dent the cell to the contacts.
  3. Wait for a red light & 3 green lights & 3 beeps.

Try entering a code

Sometimes there is just enough energy in the Schlage lock left to let you in.

Apply a code, then turn the bolt to go inside.

Find another way inside

Before you give up and call a locksmith, you can look for alternative options to access the house. That can be:

  • You know how to lockpick the Schlage lock (only if you own it & are sure of your skills).
  • There is another door with a different lock.
  • A window was left unlocked or even open.
  • Someone else has access through another entry.

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Call for outside help

There is nothing else left to do but to call for outside help. If none of the above methods helped, you’ll have to contact a certified locksmith. A professional can help you get inside the house even when there is a dead battery.

Generally, calling a professional is safer than tampering with the mechanism on your own.

However, in some cases, the smith charges more than a new assembly is worth, and in that case, it’s better to replace the unit altogether.

Prepare a model’s name and number, as well as the things you’ve already done to deal with the problem before making contact.

Final word

It’s important to know when and how to renew the Schlage’s batteries.

Seldom, though, you won’t be able to change the cells in time. In this case, you’ll still have to deal with these troubles. It’s better to prepare for that scenario beforehand.

There are also ways to prolong the battery lifespan. The batteries are essential for the smart lock’s operation. You’ll need to utilize the best products available, reconsider some harmful user habits, and even protect the mechanism from weather conditions.

The most important thing, however, is to establish a battery pack renewal routine.

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